Mystics, Cats, & Places


Four Ways of Looking at a Stream Drawing, Part Four

Second chakra view of my drawing, this time reversed.

Second chakra view of my drawing, this time reversed.

In this series of blog posts, I am doing an intuitive reading of one of my stream drawings. This is post four--please read parts one, two, and three first.

The process I am working with is from Elaine Clayton's book Making Marks: Discover the Art of Intuitive Drawing. In this step of the process, I turn my stream drawing once more, and for a second time interpret the drawing as it relates to the chakra system.

I see two birds flying in opposite directions.

I see two birds flying in opposite directions.

The Crown Chakra is associated with Cosmic Consciousness and the Superconscious Mind. At the top of my stream drawing, in the Crown Chakra portion, I see two birds flying in opposite directions. The bird on the left, flying in that direction, is a black bird like a crow or a raven. Flying in the opposite direction, on the right is a colorful tropical bird. These two contrasting birds suggest a person whose Superconscious Mind embraces paradox.

For the Third Eye Chakra, I see an image that reminds me of a seedling.

For the Third Eye Chakra, I see an image that reminds me of a seedling.

For the Third Eye Chakra, which is concerned with intuition, I see an image that makes me think of a seedling. Maybe the person's intuition is just starting to develop. Or their intuition may make the person able to see into events or conditions in their earliest stages.

For the Throat Chakra, I see a satellite dish receiving a huge colorful plume of sound.

For the Throat Chakra, I see a satellite dish receiving a huge colorful plume of sound.

For the Throat Chakra, I see a satellite dish receiving sound in a huge, colorful plume. The plume itself looks to me like a musical instrument like a saxophone. The satellite dish that the person's communications are universal, like those received on a global scale. They are not trying to communicate with a small group of like-minded people, but want to speak to everyone.

For the Heart Chakra, these concrete stairs.

For the Heart Chakra, these concrete stairs.

This image of slightly tilted concrete stairs represents the Heart Chakra. The stairs connect the conscious mind to the emotions and the subconscious . The steps feel to me like they’re leading downward into a basement. The person is conscious of their heart as having different levels they can access.

A pair of glasses for the chakra of personal power.

A pair of glasses for the chakra of personal power.

The Solar Chakra is concerned with personal power. Empowerment for this person may come through their intellect, represented in this drawing by the pair of eyeglasses. They may derive self-confidence from their intelligence or from presenting themselves to others as an intellectual.

In my stream drawing, the Sacral Chakra is represented by a strawberry. Makes sense.

In my stream drawing, the Sacral Chakra is represented by a strawberry. Makes sense.

The Sacral Chakra is concerned with sexuality, creativity, and related matters. This shape looks like a strawberry to me, and a strawberry is emblematic of sexuality, reproduction, and other aspects of the Sacral Chakra.

Near the strawberry is a downward-pointing arrow.

Near the strawberry is a downward-pointing arrow.

The Root Chakra is concerned with groundedness and basic needs, like the base of Maslow's pyramid of needs, so this shape that I see as an arrow pointing to the ground is appropriate to this chakra. It reminds me of this song by Joy of Cooking:

Applying this four-step intuitive reading to a stream drawing is fascinating. It's a multi-layered approach that gives many dimensions to an interpretation. If you’re looking for intuitive insights into yourself, or another person, give this rewarding process a try!

Tim Botta